
I'm quite alright now....but yes I had a small accident at work today. I was throwing away the trash and as you know, it's snowy everywhere so I put my rain boots on....bad choice, since walking back inside I slipped on the pavement, fell on the floor and hit my head (among other parts). Ouch!!!
I dragged myself up and walked slowly to the dressing room...changed my clothes and walked really slow to the bus-stop....on the way home I fell asleep in the train =S
Anyway, now I'm in neck hurts, the back of my head is a little swollen and also my right hand. I guess my bum will have this huge bruise tomorrow....ouch ouch.
Tomorrow I have the day off, which means that I got to pick up some x-mas gifts for my friends =) besides that hm not much on my schedule ^^.

I wish someone would have helped me up....

Goodnight All!!

This's a classic!

I'm looking outside the window and this song is kind of stuck in my head....^^ it's like that every christmas =) It's sad though, but I like it.
Today, I'm off to work 4-9 pm....tomorrow early bird 7 am -1 pm and then I have a day off =) Wohoo!
The x-mas party is right around the corner and I'm nerveous....I can't dance, but I surely would like to dance with my dj crush ;) something slow....hehe.
I'm gonna go for a walk now, bye bye.

Christmas Plans

Next week is already december...gosh time flies! I'm doing my annually christmas shopping list, what I'm going to give away and to whom =) My girls (of course), friends at work and friends outside work. I'm done with some of the shopping, I just have to wrap it....that's the fun part, I love it!!!
I did buy two rolls of paper and I think I'll manage to stick in all the presents there, I also have to write the cards....that go with the presents =) I've to send some too, I forgot last year (duh) som I'm going to this year.
I'm going to try to put up the tree in a few days...hopefully my sisters closet will be done soon, it's quite big and we haven't even started yet ^^.

There's 2 people whom I'd like to give something to, but I'm not sure how to do's Tim and Jay =) Both are such sweet people that I'd like to give them each a christmas gift.
Well, I think I still have time to figure it out =)
Well otherwise not much happening this cold saturday night, I'm at work...leaving in about 45 minutes so I now have to hand over the meds.

Talk to yah tomorrow, night night!

At work...Feeling Poetic

I'm at work at the moment, not doing anything in particular since most of the pensioners are asleep. It's really quiet, my word-buddy is having a smoke and I'm just watching the snow...feeling kind of poetic:

I miss you
It's been so long since I last had word with you
I wonder what you're doing, how have you been
Just working I guess, but what do you do on a day like this?
Maybe you're just having a nice time
Checking on the winter wonderland outside the window
Maybe you're thinking about me for a second
I miss you
Did I tell you?
I miss you

Well...that's pretty much it hehe. I'm gonna go and mop the floor =)



I just got out of bed, I was at home at 1 am hehe and didn't get to bed until hm 2 maybe....had mad fun last night: First up DJ Demo at 4 sound in Stockholm where I met BabyJ (whom I missed very much, he's very sweet) and then catched up with my girls to see my sisters favourite guy in Väsby. It was this x-mas evening shopping thing, open until 11 pm. Great!

Well first of all this DJ Demo was AWESOME!!! Well the crowd was mostly dj's and hehe me (dj fanatic), Jay asked what I was doing there with all the "nerds" but I saw it as an opportunity to see how the dj's work and especially Jay whom I consider an artist. First hour and a half belonged to a guy named Xavier Jacques, he explained how to make different tracks with this program and add these cuts with electronical voices etc.
I must say that it's really complicated, what they do takes dedication, patience, the ability to make mistakes (and make a different sounds with those mistakes) and a whole lot of practice. It's really magic.

This is Xavier showing what he does: making music with different beats

A break of 5 minutes, I went up to talk to Jay...he was nice as always, happy and showed me how the turntables work.
I did forget to ask him if the purple vinyls he used has a kind of protection to not scratch the musical vinyls surface. Or maybe the "needle" that reads the music doesn't really scratch the vinyls surface....I'm going to ask =) Well Jay was up next and he explained the scratches, took two very good songs ( "Soul 2 Soul "Back to life" and N.E.R.D "She wants to move") and made it into one amazing song. He didn't get much time though, I wished he had got an hour and half too.
The show ended, I got up to say bye and he got me a bag, a keychain and a sweater....awww thank you!!!
I wanted to take a picture but he was in a rush, so that one will be another time. =)

This is Jay, testing the mic

Jay doing his thing.....awesome!

When you're sad, there's always someone who lightens up your day =)

Not the best of my mornings, I woke up at 9 am but still felt the need to get some more sleep. I've been feeling quite low these days, I usually like snow but now it really shows it's winter and it's another year going to an end.

I feel lonely even though there's always people (good people) around me, I've lost friends and gained new ones but still there's this anger inside just waiting for a reason to get out...and it did today. Sometimes I just want to leave everything and start fresh somewhere, sometimes I just want to cry and don't want anybody to ask any questions just to feel the comfort of the arms of my loved ones.
Well, since it's already 2.35 pm I'm feeling a little better =) listening to Spotify and some good tunes, sometimes all that I need is just music and company.
I learned that it's Thanksgiving today....well I do have a lot to be thankful for:

My family (strong people that put up with me. All my love and thanks)
My friends (old and new, thank you)
My health (hey nothing wrong that doesn't bring good)
For being alive (life's a bitch, it sucks, it's happy and it gives you lessons everyday....thanks)

See yah later!

Lovesong/Marriage Proposal

I was just watching an episode of this tv-series from my country "La Familia de al lado" and they played this song in the backround "Alejate de mi" basically "Stay away from me" and I love it!!! It has this sad melody with a little beat in it, the lyrics are brilliant and well yeah it kind of reminds me of me. I got some tears yes but nothing I can't hide.
I'm a little sensitive today, I miss a certain person...I could go tomorrow and see him but something stops me. I can just hope that he feels the same way...that he likes me. ♥♥♥

Today I watched this competition program called "Calle 7" and they announced that two of their crew are getting married after 7 years of suckerpunch, I love lovestories like this one. The ones getting married are Karen Paola and Juan Pedro, when he asked her to marry him he brought their son to give them the rings....awwww!!!

Well I'm going to watch "Bones" for an hour or until I fall asleep....goodnight!

If hell freezed over, it would be this cold

Brrrr I just got home from work, damn it's cold outside!! The stupid buses didn't go either since it was way too slippery (well duh it's winter, time to change the tires) I had to walk home....grrrrrrr. Luckily my legs were too numb to feel any kind of pain but I was home in 20 minutes =)
Well now I'm warm again *yay* and I'm going to do some x-mas decorations until dinner time, I have to search for the lights for my little x-mas tree hehehehe and also fix the table to put it on.

This pic is from last x-mas, it's my little tree =) yeah I had a little too much New Moon hehe.

Later you guys, have a nice evening!

Christmas Opening Ceremony

On saturday I was at the Christmas Opening in Kungsträdgården with the girls, it was cold as hell but actually kind of cosy =) My sister went to see her favourite and I just checked out the x-mas lights/trees/parade hehe. 
Although the arrangement could have been more christmasy it was okay, but there was a lot of things missing: like putting the light on the x-mas tree, more pepp to the people and the host....well he could've been more natural. Otherwise the music was all good =).

X-mas is coming, with quick steps and I'm halfway through the list of people that I'm buying x-mas gifts to =) Mostly my friends from work but also my girls, whom I still have no idea what to give. I do have a few ideas but otherwise nope not done yet.
This picture is from last year, our tiny tree is well dressed hehe ^^. For the moment I can't put it up yet since my sister hasn't started on her new closet (it's now hiding behind the couch) and they've turned the entire apartment upside down. Oh yeah like I've got nothing to do....

I love trees/lights/presents underneath the tree but not what's in them...the wrapping makes me happy with all the different colour. =)
Night Night All

Someone like this...

I just woke up, was kind of tired from work. Thank God it's my weekend off,
I'm gonna try to rest and get some things done hehe. I'm going to this work-party
on december 2nd and I'm trying to find a pair of black pants....maybe some shoes.
I do have a purple top to wear, but the pants are an issue.
At first I wasn't all that happy to go but now I know that it will be fun.
They said that a dj will be there, I really hope that it's my dj crush or Jay whom
is a great guy =)

Well I'm longing for this movie, it's called "Beastly" and I like the concept of the
movie...a gorgeous guy gets a second chance to be a better man when he's cursed
by a witch in his economy class.
What I like is what's underneath when he's cursed, the man he became while learning
from the curse.
Well, I'm gonna get some tea and relax with "Calle 7"....night night all!

Harry Potter and the deathly hallows part 1

WOW!!! What a movie!! The hype in the movietheater wasn't as I expected but the movie....surely was =) Exciting just as the other Harry Potter movies but the "to be continued" part was a little wrongly cut....I promise not to give away anything, make your own judgment by seeing it first. Appereantly Sweden was the first country to see the movie, since the US won't see it until friday so *YAY* and like Jay says "Whoop Whoop" to that!
A lot of new characters too, some I already knew from other movies hehe ^^.

Well even though I don't like the bad guys (since the good always wins) but this one is crazy, I really hate her for killing my favourite character Sirius Black but can't help by admiring her insane look....I mean if I dressed up for Halloween it would be like her ^^. She's Bellatrix Lestrange (Helena Bonham-Carter) and she's cool (in an insane kind of way) =).

Anyway, I'm going to get some sleep goodnight and talk to you tomorrow!
Night Night!


I'm at the cinema waiting in line to see "Harry Potter and the deathly hallows" more updates later!!
Bye Bye

Let's Dance!

This video is not mine and I give all credit to BabyJ (he made this one) but also to the gorgeous man in the video =) I surely would like to dance with him ^^.

Goodnight All!

Toy's R Us!

Yeah, I know...too old for this kind of things but I'm looking for x-mas gifts! My sis and I are searching in this shop to look for a new Nintendo DS game or maybe something for Playstation... Me? No I'm not going to tell you what I'm hoping to find ^^.


This wednesday...Nowhere is safe

I just realised that it's only 2 1/2 days left until "Harry Potter and the deathly hallows part 1" has world premiere! My sister and I are going to the matiné premiere on wednesday which means....YAY!!!!! Just watched the trailers and it's going to be awesome, first we'll watch the last movie on dvd the day before to you know, get an update =)

Well today, another grey one is filled with work...another short pass (16-21) but I'll try to make the most of know stay positive =).

Anyone else going to see HP? Share people ^^

Café Opera presents: Girls Night Out

Hallo Everyone!

Another rainy saturday....I'm off to work in a few hours but I just wanted to fill you in on yesterdays event "Girls Night Out".'s fun if you like hanging around bitchy girls (people in line that don't respect the line) and people standing in front of you when you're trying to look at someone showing how Kinect works. I was hoping someone special was going to dj some good music but I think he showed up loong after my girls and I left =(. Oh and get this, we didn't even stay for the goodiebags.... =(
We took a walk to Laroy (I wanted to stop by and say hi to Jay) but they told a gang of british guys that they didn't open until 10.30 pm and it was hm 10.20 pm so we left, bummer 'cause we were standing by the other door and saw him walk inside checking his turntables. I was gonna ask the guard to tell him hi from me but he looked pissed (the guard not Jay) so no. Maybe some other time =)

The game Kinect from X-box is quite fun, since you get to exercise a lot without going to a gym ^^ so I'm thinking about getting it for x-mas. I'm sure my sister would like it hehehe she was quite interested while they showed how it worked =).

"When life as you know it ends...

Ps I will always love you." I love this movie....makes me cry all the time!

My dj crush: this should be us someday =)

I should've been at the movies, Café and Laroy tonight hanging out with the girls from work but as always something came in the way...nothing bad though, I just felt that I shouldn't go. The guilt of having fun when someone else is hurting, it doesn't feel right.
Yeah, I'm back where I kind of started...I'm feeling depressed again and I'm not sure where it's heading but I surely am scared of becoming the monster again. I've been happy for a while, even if work sucks my friends and family keep me happy but now, my happinness kind of ran off to God knows where and somehow I'm never truly happy.
Christmas will be here in about one month and I'm thinking about what to buy for the girls, myself I don't want anything...I have everything I need and the only thing I wish is a person, not material stuff =). Yes, I need my dj crush....he's the person missing in my life. =)
Well in another matter, they released the pictures from "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn part 1". Yeah that bugs me out too, "Edward" looks gorgeous as always and kind of brings back memories when I spent x-mas eve (actually lunch-time) at the cinema in Stockholm ^^. I miss that time, when I could grab my bag and just hang out at the movies without thinking what might happen and without all the analisys of every single one of my actions. But I can't do that now, I feel guilty and I thought for a moment that it would go away while I talked to my councelor but nope still nothing. Maybe I should call her again and make an appointment. I'll see next week!
I'm gonna sleep and think things over...gotta get up early tomorrow.

Goodnight all.

One of the many pics from the recording of "Breaking Dawn part 1"...borrowed from =)

Movie Night

I had a movie night last night, luckily I didn't fell asleep though...I turned off the lights and pulled up the blanket.

First up the swedish thriller "Beck: Levande Begravd", quite a good movie...I was really scared!! I hadn't seen any "Beck" movies before but this one caught me...I saw the trailer on tv and I thought "Why not?". Very good movie!

Shaking all the way to the kitchen to get some yoghurt (and calm myself) and went on with the next movie: Sex and the city 2. It was very good, not as many "disturbing" scenes as the first one haha but all I was interested in was John James Preston or like Carrie says "Big".
He's a good guy, a little comfortable once he's married to Carrie but still feels the fear of loosing her while she's in Abu Dhabi on vacation with her gal-pals Charlotte, Samantha and Miranda when she meets her old love Aidan in a market....
I don't know, but I have a thing for Big...he's kind of the special guy, the unavailable (especially during the show's airing time but also in the first movie) and protective. That's what I like about him, he's protective =). He's a bear hehe.

Well today, it's back to work in the afternoon...just fixing up the beds and dishes before that.
Hope you all have a nice monday.
Bye Bye

Saturday's alright (to clean)

Yesterday I was home with the girls, we didn't do much...slept half the day, went grocery shopping in the afternoon and quite before dinner I got the strenght to start cleaning in my room. It looked like a war zone with clothes everywhere...not vaccumed for hm a few days (since I've been only working this week, no time) and some things just don't fit in anymore.
I did some remodeling, I got tired of how it looked before so this is the change...from massive Twilight fans to regular Twilight fans =)

Before (of course I won't show you how it looks in war-zone)


I also made quite a change in my bookshelf, I put away some of my Twilight collection to get a little more tidyness plus I think I had a little too much =) But now I have some extra room for my books as well. I'll take a picture little later today!
I listen to music all night (until 11 pm), I also had a look in my photoalbum from earlier years and well shed a few tears when I found a calendar that my uncle got me in 2003 for x-mas. The girls and I went to visit, that was one of the most beautiful christmas home in Chile with the family. That's LOVE.

Another dream that I don't want to wake up from...

I'm loving these dreams...but it's getting harder and harder to wake up. I'm not tired, I'm actually quite awake but still...I prefer my dreams =). They're nice and I'm happy, until I wake up =(

Well this was today:
This morning, I put my clock on 6:30 am and somehow I woke up at 8 am...I wasn't late for my laboratory appointment though =).
Nothing serious, it's my check up on wednesday...had to leave some blood samples. It appears to be that my diabetes is in control, although I'm having some trouble with food. I'm not hungry and every work-day I skip my dinner or lunch...that's I eat only one real meal a day. I know, it's not good and it's not healthy but I can't help it.
At work, we can't eat in private during the evening-shift...the patients won't leave you alone. During the day, the nurse won't leave you alone...breaks simply don't exist in health care weather you work in a hospital or an institution like me. My mom works in a school kitchen and breaks pretty much don't exist there either....when my sister was working through school they didn't have breaks either unless it was to smoke. Food? No not in fashion, my sister was the only one who ate there. =O
I don't know how it's like for my friends the Dj' you guys have breaks?

Well I gotta go, fix those meds and listen to the radio....ahh Barry White "First, last, my everything".

At work....Missing my dj crush....Hot chocolate.

Been at work since 2 pm...I've done hm just a few things so far but my head is tired. I made some hot chocolate for the seniors on my floor, one of them is already worried that I might forget the sandwiches as well but not a chance =).
Sometimes can work be such a pain but sometimes everything is just perfect....why can't everyday here be like that?
Anyway....I miss my dj crush, I saw a few pictures from last night today and gosh, I wanted to be there to see him rock! Even his fellow dj Jay had appereantly a good night too and I couldn't be there to enjoy myself...I hope for next friday, I miss him. It's gonna be "Girls Night Out" at Café and I already talked to my work colleages, they'll help me out with time =). I hope nothing stops me from seeing him....

Well, I have to back and mop the floors...hand out the hot chocolate with sandwiches and head home. I have to pick up my sisters books too at the convenience store...ahh Jeez.

Bye for now you guys, have a great night.

One of those days

Today is one of those days, when I wished that I could be cold hearted and don't care about anything. I was supposed to go out, have fun at Laroy and get to hang with Jay whom I haven't seen in a while....but this feeling was much stronger and made me stay home, underneath the blanket.
The morning was great, I began at 8 am and had the best of mornings with my friends =) went home at 1 pm and was recharging to go out.
Along the way, I felt head was spinning and I got really tired, but also quite sad. For a moment I was motivated, now I've lost all that. I kind of feel like Buffy when she and Angel got an opportunity but suddenly had to loose everything.

I hope that this goes away, I really want to be myself again...

Even in my dreams, I think of you

I had a beautiful dream last night, it felt real and I didn't want to wake up this morning to see it all just dissapear. I found myself at a small airport, greeting you from a trip and you hugged me with such passion that I didn't want to let you go. I felt happy, loved by you and everything was just awesome. Waking up, not so much but I'll keep the feeling of you telling me how much you missed me in my heart until we see each other again.

Something like this, but it's Logan and Max =)

For the moment I'm having a cold, not as difficult as it used to be before I got my sickness...appereantly my insulin gives me extra streght =) Well today in my schedule is work from 3-8 pm, before that I've got some chores.

What are you doing today?

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