At work....and now very bored!
I'm at work for the moment, another 1 1/2 hour to go and then I'm heading home!! My friend from work (he's working/studying to be a plumber now) came by and we celebrated his birthday (which was last saturday). I ordered some food and we had a really nice time =) when I gave him his very special birthday card, his eyes looked a little wet.....aww!!! I got him a gift certificate to this shop where he can buy anything he needs from socks to suits ;) A very happy guy, when he hugged me!
He's a good guy, he's dating this girl (whom I call "Old lady" since she's my age and he's 1 year younger haha) a little more than a year. I used to have a crush on him but then I realised I wanted a friend not a boyfriend =) We've been through a lot together and he knows I'll always be his friend, I got his back always. And he's got mine =). I love him, like my brother.
Well, now I'm alone...mopping the floor and getting things ready until the night-shift is here. I saw this note from the nurse-boss that there's this x-mas party in december....but I'm not sure if I want to go. I didn't last year and the year before that....I wasn't feeling very well.
But now, I would like it to be at Café Opera and I would like to have the 2 best Dj's in town putting up the best show and they surely know how to do it!! One is BabyJ....skilled guy with a great smile and sense of humour. The other is crush since last May 12 and whom I've been watching carefully when my sisters favourite plays. I would LOVE a show by them!!!!!! =)
Well....I still got time to think. ^^
I love your smile...
My sister, mom and I went to Vallentuna to see her favourite guy. He was going to have this small concert at this autumm fair but little did I know that my dj crush was going to be there!!! When I heard his voice, my legs turned into jelly and when I approached the concert area there he was...gorgeous and smily =). He tested the instruments in his mixtable and I must say...the man's got talent!! Well he presented my sisters favourite and somehow I couldn't take my eyes from him (I can do two things at the time ^^)....I took some pictures ;) and got a few smiles....
*I was in heaven*.
After the show, he put the stuff back into the cases. He's thorough with every piece and I admire that he's gentle with his equipment....he has this funny sticker on the mix-table case that says "Kick Me"....I wonder why? He's such a nice guy! ^^. I do think he has a funny sense of humour =)
Some kids wanted to give him high fives, they were right in front of us...I enjoyed the view ;) and I almost tripped over one kid that had hit me in the arm during the concert haha good one Cilla!!
Well when he was about to leave, we were standing right there, he smiled at me and winked!!!! Aww I told you he was sweet!
Now I don't know when I get to see him again...well I guess I could go to Café Opera but I don't know if I can ask my friend Soumar to go with me this wednesday. There's a coupple of things I wanna ask when he started his dj-ing, what type of music does he like and so on.
Well more important question: Is he involved with someone, 'cause I wanna ask him out. =)
You think he'll agree to go somewhere? I'm nice, really =)
Well....I'll think things through and gather some strenght to ask. Or if he reads this...Tim would you like to get some coffee?
I'm gonna show a pic from the last time I saw him...this is from Västerås september 4th. I haven't uploaded the pics from last saturday but I will =)
Well I gotta go and get some sleep, I think I'll watch another episode of "Bones".
Goodnight people, drink some water!
Bones season 1
I picked up a package at the store, my sister had ordered a pair of shoes and I an Adidas bag ^^. I'm trying to change you know...get rid of the "only" Twilight bags hehe. There will be moments when I'll need something fancier than a Twilight bag.
Anyway, during the evening I watched "Bones season 1"....remembering when Booth and Brennan just started to work together and even though he dated other people...he realised that he loved her!
Why are guys so hard to understand? Why can't you tell us what you want instead of wondering?
It's not more difficult than when you're a child and ask the guy in your class if you have a "chance". We're the same type of people, just older. Shouldn't make any difference.
Well I'm going to bed, watch some more Bones episodes so I wish you all a goodnight!
Movienight and frightened about the future.
Incredible that a rasist political party has entered the parliament...and I thought that people could see beyond colours and cultures. Well, another thing to add to my mental "worry" list...*sighs*.
This evening I've been watching 2 movies...the first one was recently bought but old "A walk in the clouds". It's a romantic movie about a young pregnant woman who meets the love of her life in a train... It was beautiful! I adore Keanu Reeves and his romantic sides are just....lovely!!
Later on tonight I watched "Serendipity" which is a classic and I've seen it many times the music and the story itself. It's also a meeting between 2 strangers and what happens when they can't forget about their meeting...
These movies remind me that sometimes all you need is a chance, one simple moment to make a change in your life. No fear, no judgement, no thinking (maybe a little)....just embrace the moment. I really have to get some sleep, it's been a long day at work and I'm tired.
Goodnight to you all! Oh right....don't be shy, leave a comment!
I'm not here for your entertainment....
I woke up at 8 am to vote at my old school. Wow does that place bring back memories...some happy and some I wish never happened. The old building saw me become a grown up more than 10 years ago and now it looked at me once again.
After the vote, it was time for breakfast and we watched some tv. My sisters favourite was going to perform and she was kind of ancious to see after the breakfast we went to town to see him. After his performance, he came towards us and said sister was in heaven ;)
Later on I had to leave, my shift began at 2 pm...but I had the time to go to church, lit some candles for the family and prayed...let my heart calm itself 'cause it's been an intense week and I needed some good advice. What better than to talk to God, the one who always listens and never judges.
At 1 pm I took the bus to work and had some lunch. The entire afternoon was really slow and long...I never thought that 8 pm would come but hey, now I'm home and getting ready for bed.
I think I'll watch "Bones" tonight...or maybe something funny, like "It's Complicated" or why not "Serendipity". I'm in need to I said, it's been a tough week and my strenght is kind of low right now.
Did you see the moon tonight? I felt like "the wolfman" was ripping itself out of me...but no, I'm good ^^.
Well, goodnight all and sleep tight.
Hehe a Halloween episode of Bones. Dr Brennan as Wonder Woman and Spec. Agent Booth as a "squint" or as Dr Brennan said "Clark Kent".
Chile's National Day and Bicentenary!
Apart from any sad feelings sorounding my heart, I do have a joy =) It's the Chilean National Day and also it's Bicentenary! This beautiful country gave me life and saw me grow 7 years has given me my roots.
My family back home where half my heart is: grandparents, uncle and my father still wait for me to come back and I know that I someday will =).
Well here are a coupple of pictures (borrowed from different sites, thank you) that are typical from my country:
First of all, our national flower: The Copihue
A national day can't be celebrated without empanadas (a sort of oven baked pie)
Since the people (either poor or rich) dress up for the festivities as huasos (the chilean cowboys) and this is a character from a favourite =)
Longing for....
The Twilight Saga: "Breaking Dawn part 1"
I would give my life, to see you happy...
I feel like everything hurts, especially my heart...the fact that I don't know what to do to make things better. I promise that I would give my life to see my sister happy again....but unfortunately I can't make such bargain =( Then please tell me what to do? Should I give up my dj-crush? Fine I'll do it, anything to make things better 'cause I can't stand being this unhappy.
She looks like she's gonna cry any minute and me, well I've been trying all day not to cry. A friend of mine says that in order to get over things you have to grow as a person and kind of like "suck it up". But she's fragile....she's has this sensitive heart that could break so easily.
I have this anxiety inside my throat that is hurting and I don't know what's have known love and try by every minute to forget about that feeling or never knew love at all.
Maybe never knew love, 'cause in case you've met someone and don't really know anything about that person you wouldn't get any expectations.
Sad evening, that means sad movie... "Becoming Jane"....a giant box of tissues.
A million love songs...and then what?
Why is it that when I'm happy (at least I try very hard) things happen and all my hopes just crash. I just got home from work and read something horrible, well not life threatening but happinness. Not mine, but someone very close and dear to me.... And I don't know what to do to help!!
God, I had felt so good this last weeks and now it feels like I can't breathe.
What about all those moments when this guy shows how much he cares about her and now suddenly, out of the blue he's with somebody else? What happened after A million love songs? Was it just bull?
Are all the guys like him? Should I rethink my decision about a certain person, just in case it happens again?
Let me tell you something about my past, I dated a guy when I was 14....he was then the love of my life (or so I thought). I was shy (just like now) and had no experience what so ever. Yeah my first boyfriend....well he was embarrassed of me while we were a coupple. He never showed any boyfriendly feelings while we were around other people and he never said he loved me....until I asked him. But of course he lied, for 1 1/2 years I lived the lie and when we finally broke up I felt a huge freedom. 4 days later he told the entire class that the only one in love in our relationship was me. He never loved me. It took me years to get over what he did to me, I was really scared and I still am...of finding someone special and that he would lie every single day.
Well, I think it's enough for today....I have to go and try to get some sleep.
Early bird catches the (eurgh) worm
Well I made the things I had to do, did some grocery shopping and now I'm waiting to get to work.
Hating the rain right ruined my best Adidas shoes, now I have to wear rainboots that hurt me! Grrrrr.....*angry*.
I wrote this text some time ago and I wonder what you think....unfortunately I don't have any music to it but I imagine something ballad like. When I write, I usually don't think so much...kind of like the poems...they just get written. =)
" I’ve got nothing to offer (besides my love)"
I’ve got nothing else to offer
I’m all out of money honey but I still have my honor
I may not be a movie star or a superstar (like you)
But I’m the only one that really truly loves you
Who knows what a celeb girl might do to get to your heart
I might just say
I’ve nothing else to offer baby
Besides my love nothing else
Take my heart, listen to it
It whispers your name everyday
My heart belongs to you alone
And I know this could be love
That kind of love that lasts forever
Time goes; I don’t get to see you in a while
I wish you would just take me for a ride
See new places just you and me
Away from the spotlights and shiny parties
I want to be alone with you
To tell you what I really feel
5 minutes is not enough
I have a lifetime of love to tell you
And it’s kind of hard to explain
Repeat chorus:
I’ve nothing else to offer baby
Besides my love nothing else
Take my heart, listen to it
It whispers your name everyday
My heart belongs to you alone
And I know this could be love
That kind of love that lasts forever
If you doubt what I feel
Then you never knew me
Maybe we weren’t meant to be
But there’s a thing called destiny
And our paths were crossed
There’s something special about us after all
Just listen to that heart of yours and hear it say my name
Repeat chorus
This picture is from Lysekil, I took it while I was on the bus. Same weather as here...rainy.
" I am no queen of hearts "
I watched "What a girl wants" yesterday (that was before going to bed) and this song got stuck in my head. It's about a rebelic girl that has to change her way of life to fit in with her rich father and his relatives.
Kind of like what I did, I changed my uniform at work to show that I'm responsible (even though the clothes don't make the woman)...I hate being uptight, but you gotta do what you gotta do, right?
Anyway, today I was in Täby with my came a little later. We went to see her favourite guy hehe and boy does her eyes sparkle when she sees him ^^.
Me, I was in search of a certain dj but he didn't play today.... =( I miss him, strangely enough but I really do. I just hope I get to see him again before he forgets that he ever talked to me.
Tonight I think I'll watch "Bones".....I'm longing for the new season to begin!!!!! Booth is so romantic and Brennan, she's afraid of commitment...kind of like me. I'm scared of relationships but maybe when the right guy comes along I won't doubt. I hope it's my dj crush ;)
Well, tomorrow I'm early bird...I got some things to do before work so I really have to go to bed.
Goodnight Everyone and We'll talk tomorrow.
Oh come on, one day of sunlight before the dark enters....I mean the winter ^^.
Today I'm going out with my sister, we got some shopping to do =) I still have to buy a calendar, just looking for the "perfect" one hehe. Something flowery maybe ^^
This year I had one with butterflies....but now someone at my job has the same so I need to change hehe.
What are you up to?
I moved...
Hope you still read my stuff ;)
Well, today was one of those days that I worry about things I really shouldn't worry about. I'm like that out of nature hehe. I had this meeting after work and both my bosses were there, we talked about my future and so far everything is just great.
I enjoyed a nice dinner with my girls (mom and sister) and now I'm into some french music ;) I started studying french in 7th grade and didn't really get a grip on it until the end of 8 grade. I can formulate (is that a word?) in my head but when it comes to talking, well it just doesn't work.
Later tonight I'll watch "Something's Gotta Give"....and enjoy Jack Nicholson.
Night Night