My 30th Birthday!
Shit...I can't believe that I turned 30 today...I'm so much...older.
Pic from
It all started this morning, I woke up...feeling all bright and shiny...I wore my signature colour plus my birthday gift: the earrings :D My momma gave me a birthday hug and I almost began to cry, she always makes me cry on days like this. I love you momma! And my sweet sister, love you so much too!!!!!
Let's just say, I've never seen a work-day pass by so fast!!!
I got a birthday hug from Mike in the morning, I still get butterflies but not so much anymore. I guess it was the kind of crush that passes...but he'll always mean something special to me.
Work began slow, but then it took off like a rocket! Suddenly it was already lunch hour and I would be heading home around 1 pm.
My friend Sari came with a present...she's awesome, my second mom and best friend (I'm one of the few people that has the gift of having 4 best friends). Stuff with my signature colours ;) Thank you so much, for being a great friend and for always being by my side.
I got home and more surprises came my way: I got some presents from my girls too! A purple yoga matt and some comfy socks (these has mini-pillows for cloud walking hehe). Thank you so much girls!!!! :DDDD
Later on, I watched "Vampire Diaries" until 4 me, someone else is keeping me awake now. Someone who can be good underneath all that sarcasm and crazyness, that has the smile that can litterally make me say: Here, have a taste of my neck! ^^ Oh come on, you knew this would happen....I fell for the bad guy anyway!!!!!!!!!!! Damon Salvatore, you have my heart! ;D
Well it's kinda late and I have to watch Damon some more ;D
Birthday Coffee at work!
I got some gorgeous gifts: a great chat with some great friends, a pair of purple earrings (my signature colour), flowers and a heart bracelet!
30's gonna be wild....
Only 2 days left...
Until I turn 30....*yells* OMG OMG crisis!!!!
Haha, no but seriously...if you think how it was back in the day: my mom had 2 kids by the time she was 29 and I don't have that. Well, I do want kids and my very own family someday (if it's God's will) but right now I'm just not that ready.
Today I was out in the warmer weather, took a walk to the store and back with my sister. The snow is gone and I surely hope there isn't any more to come now, I get used to the slighty warmer weather and the very strange winter time we're having now.
I picked up my package from Ellos, my own birthday presents: a butterfly lamp and 2 track suit jackets from Adidas (one black and one purple). I might get myself a few Vampire Diaries books this weekend, we'll see ;)
I'll have a double birthday celebrations with my friends from work, first on friday and then on saturday :) We'll have cake hehe (yeah not much cake for me though).
Time is running's almost 2 am and I really really need to get some sleep :)
I think Stefan and Damon are waiting for me ;) Up next: Vampire Diaries!
Goodnight All!
(All pics from
Vampire Diaries
You already know my interests in vampires, werewolves and such...right? Well, right before x-mas I watched ONE episode one morning and I was hooked! Damn it...hahahaha!
Can you guess whom I fell for? No? One hint....he's gorgeous, he's a vampire and he's the good guy!
Fine, I'll tell you: Stefan Salvatore ;)
Well I can't deny that Damon is gorgeous too, in a demonic way hehe but no not my type...I'll go for the good guys ^^.
Anyways so I asked my mom and sister the dvd box of season 1 and 2....which I got, only a few days later hehehehe but I was thrilled. So now, I'm watching the first season and last night I finished the first disc.
And since I finished my book "Passion" by Lauren Kate, so I bought 2 books from Vampire Diaries just to try on....and I'm hooked on those too. I finished the first one during this past weekend and now I'm on the second book, I got a third one too...shit I might need a 4th....
I'm such a nerd..... ^^
Gifts arrived today :)
I'm gonna wear it proudly ;) Thank you! bathing suit also arrived...which means, I have to get my card to start swimming soon :)
It's an awesome monday ;)
2012 Resolutions (Halfway there)!
1. Buy a swimsuit (Check, I ordered it yesterday)
2. Buy a year-card in the bath-house close to me (As soon as the suit arrives)
3. Start swiming (Hard part...but I'll do my best)
4. Cut the chocolate (It's okay sometimes, not f-ing everyday)
5. Loose the weight (Goes hand in hand with the exercising, hopefully faster)
6. Change jobs (well apply for new jobs aren't that hard, the tough part is getting it)
7. Travel on my own (Italy, France, UK -missed some stuff there)
Well I hope this list helps me out on what I want to do this year. Besides that I plan on tons of other stuff but this is like my "dream-sequence", I hope I can keep up and really make all this happen.
At least, I'm halfway there.... ;)
Night Readers, Sweet Dreams!
Happy New Year 2012 and the Year of the dragon!
HAPPY NEW YEARS EVERYBODY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The year of the dragon has just begun and I'm hoping for a better year now...2011 was one tough year. But each year, people need to improve and now is a good opportunity to do so.
I think I'll do my summary tomorrow, feeling kind of tired now.
Have a good night all and stay safe!