It hurts, really.

Here I I didn't loose my way, I just have so much to do that I simply don't find the time to write although I've got plenty of stuff to write about. Tomorrow's my first day off in hmm 5 days of straight working (almost going insane).

Let's start with the sad news....well not sad, just NEWS THAT MAKES ME ANGRY!!!! My best friends from work are going through pretty rough patches (divorce and neglect) and that just you know, pisses me off big time. How can two wonderful women, two wives and two mothers be treated like that by their other half that made a vow of "in sickness and in health" to love them eternally.
I mean, their husbands are pretty much a fucked up case and they really should leave, now.
Well one of them has just filed for a divorce and the other one has become a little bit tougher than before with her husband...she still got young children so it's not that easy to just walk away.
It hurts to see them get hurt like that, to be neglected by the persons that promised to love them.
All my love for you dearies =)

In another matter, what's happening in Japan saddens me. Poor people suffering one of the worst earthquakes/tsunamis in world history and on top of that, nuclear powers great. My condolences to the ones who has lost their home, their families and much strenght to the ones that fight every day to make it through.

The last one isn't a sad news but it's the kind of hurts a bit...I think I've fallen for someone and he might not be the right guy (what a shocker) but still, he's close to me and actually dated one of my friends for some time ago. That's why it hurts, I'm very close to the coddex of "not date a friends ex boyfriend/date". I like him a lot, he's nice and funny, looks very good but like I said....I'm not sure how to work things out. So I guess I'll put that aside for the moment.

Good news....I've spent a few days with my contact lenses and it feels so good to be free from my glasses =) I wear them at home instead hehe. I've got some compliments about my brownie eyes (thank you to all) and some even said "It doesn't look like you without glasses". Hehehe, eh thanks.

Well, this was a biiig post....I was making up for lost time. I promise to write something more cheerful next time, as soon as something pops up ;) I might be going to the cinema next weekend so I'll surely be posting about that! Until then, g'night y'all.


Night at the movies: Black Swan

I usually like thrillers, such as "Se7en" but last night my friend Veronica and I choosed "Black Swan". OMG, I've never seen such a scary movie like that wonder Natalie Portman won an Oscar, she's brilliant as the balletdancer Nina.

I absolutely love the music of "Swan Lake", it's a classic although I've never seen the actual ballet and the whole idea of such hard work to make this masterpiece year after year, it's just beautiful. But the beauty has a price: hard work, self starvation, isolation, practice and occasionally someone looses their mind. It's a sad story, the one about Nina...just as much as the one about the girl Odette who turns into a swan. I give it 5 out 5 stars 'cause it's just brilliant and scared me beyond. Brrrrr.

Natalie Portman as the evil swan



Last tuesday I had an appointment at the optics...I'm getting contactlenses and a pair of regular glasses since the ones I have don't really work as they should.
This time (I've tried on lenses before) I could get them on but not off, I was very close though =)
I'm going back on monday again, I really hope I get my lenses this's unbelievable to see so clear.

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