Christmas Gift List!

Only two more weeks and christmas is here....I absolutely adore this time of year,
the whole idea of decorating your home, a tree and eating all this delicious food
with your loved ones really warms my heart.
I'm not into the gifts per se, more into the wrapping....the ribbons and to see it all
underneath the tree. I like giving away stuff, shopping for family and's
also a time of forgiveness (within reasonable lines) so if there's anyone that has
been kind of dumb to you (and you know he/she didn't mean it) try to forgive.
I have two people that I'm not talking to, one I have serious trouble forgiving and
that's my stepfather. He hurt my family so much for several years and that's simply
something I can't forgive....if he tried to work things out for real, I might but so far
nothing and not going to happen.
The other is a former best friend, whom I lost for just a plain
missunderstanding....maybe someday we'll figure things out. If not, I can only wish
her a happy life. here's my christmas gift list for this year 2010 =) (trust me, not a regular list)

1. A date with you know who
2. A kiss by you know who (on the lips, don't even think about giving one on the cheek!)
3. Good health for my loved ones, friends and me (especially control over my diabetes)
4. A cd by Take That "Progress"

See...told yah that it wasn't a regular one ^^ I gotta go and change clothes, I'll be getting home in a minute =)

Night Night!


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