Make a move or you loose

Funny thing life, one moment you're having the time of your life and the second "what's your name again?" I realised that if you don't make a move on the guy you like he might go and find someone else. Yesterday, just taking the subway to anywhere in town I thought I saw my dj-crush. He was alone, he looked at me and I didn't react 'cause I thought it was a vision. But nevertheless I didn't SMILE at him, I didn't even check in the waggon if he was there.....oh how dumb!!!!  I kept hoping it wasn't him but I still don't get why....I do want to see him out, that he might recognize me so I can say hi. But why do I still get nerveous around him? He's nice and smily, how come I still can't make a move on him?

So I've decided to make a move on my dj-crush....I don't care if it turns out that he has a girlfriend/doesn't have any interest in least I'll try. I'll say it casually when I see him again, I'll try to get myself to Café or when he's playing with my sisters favourite and see what happens. Gotta start somewhere, right?
Well today I gotta work, I was invited to this party at Laroy but I can't go....I'm early bird tomorrow too 8-13 and same on sunday....although I really would like to go. My friend, whom I went to Café is kind of avoiding going out with me. I guess she found me boring but whatever. I'll make it on my own, any day now ^^.

" Any girl can swipe any guy out of his feet, just gotta find the right broom".


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