Weekend is here and maybe I should just give up.


My day off and I've done nothing besides cleaning/doing dishes/buying groceries. Well okay I did play an old computer game called "Sonic" ^^ former Sega Megadrive game but now on PC =)
It feels good to be home but I'm really longing for my week off which starts next tuesday (after work) ^^. I'm planning on going to the movies: Little Fockers and The Green Hornet, try to see the exibition on the terracotta warriors and just get some time off to think things over.

A few weeks ago, I felt something strange in my heart...I don't know if I'm all stressed up from work but what I feel right now is that I'm not in love anymore. Maybe it's because I haven't seen him in a while but that shouldn't really affect my feelings....Oh God, I don't know what's going on in my head!
I keep looking at his pictures and nothing happens....
Why am I loosing my feelings for him? I mean, a month ago I was crazy about him and all I wanted was to be with him, talk and all....now, I'm totally shut down.
Maybe it's time for me to give up love, I mean it's obvisouly that I don't belong with someone and now even more when I think that relationsships aren't for me.

Oh well...this was kind of sad right? Sorry


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