Busy Week

I've had a busy week...with only 2 days off, I kind of needed the rest (get some sleep) but still I've kept busy with fun stuff :) Last weekend I went with the girls to see a Nickelodeon event for the videogame Skylander, they played some very good music by BTR so my sister was so happy!! 
On sunday I went to see Jay who was providing NK Street with some awesome music, we talked for a while, took a few pics and then I headed to work. It's always fun to see him 'cause he always has something wise to say.

On my two days off I've only slept (a lot), today I did a little more...went shopping with my sister. I even bought a movie.... "X-Men: First Class" which I saw at the movies with Kia earlier this year, it was actually quite good though. I missed the other actors though, I have a thing for "Wolverine" ever since I first saw "X-Men".
Anyway, I'm off to bed now...tomorrow I begin my 5 days of working but on friday my sister and I will be attending the "Twilight Fan-Event" with Rob Pattinson and Ashley Greene, actually I already met Ashley before in 2009 at the Twilight Convention but Rob, no I've never met him before....I had this huge crush on him but now much more calm :) But excited for both the event and the movie!

Goodnight Peeps, Sweet Dreams!


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