Younger Days

I think back on those days while I was home, in Chile...when all my problems didn't exist and everything only circulated in school, my friend Danilo and my family. Why am I thinking about this now? It's because I miss those days, of being a child without a care in the world...of being young. I'm still on sick-leave, this injury has cost me hours of being plainly sad...not be able to have a normal life (work, friends and all the things I normally do).

My trip to the UK is coming next week and it feels like it's going down the drain as well, not only because of my injury but also because I'm thinking this might not be a good idea. I mean, the guy I'm going with...he's kind of mean sometimes, I think he doesn't know when he hurts people. Verbal not otherwise, but words often hurt more than a slap in the face. If I'm objective, I could say that he doesn't like human contact...he has no idea how to hug either a friend or possible girlfriend (if he doesn't change that...poor girl). He can say things (without bigger meaning) but still sound like he's mad at you or something. So, I guess our friendship is not the healthiest...everything happens according to his rules....he sets the amount of text messages, possible phonecalls and talks on MSN Chat. Before taking back our relation (I kind of left him for a year or so) I always messaged him, called and so on. So one day, he totally blew me off and said: You can't call me or message me all the time. I took the initiative to show him that I was interested and instead of telling me that he wasn't interested in you know a nice way....he was just plainly mean.
So yeah, I have doubts of this trip. Either I go, to see London for my sake and don't care about his lousy comments or I cancel everything and never see him again unless he changes his attitude.

Readers...what would you do in my shoes?


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