Memory Lane: The Break-Up 1996

I'm just sitting by the computer listening to some old songs...and just found one that reminded me of my first break-up: Savage Garden "Break Me, Shake Me" from 1997. That wound is already healed but somehow I still remember when and what happened...
So now I'm going through old songs, I found the first song that I listened after the break-up and it's Robbie Williams version of George Michael's "Freedom".

I didn't realise back then that my way of handeling things like that was through music. Like every hard moment later in life, I hid within my different tastes of music: Everything except what in Sweden they call "Dansband" which is like square dancing or something ^^. Oh yeah I had my dark age within music with hmmm *tries to remember* Queen, AC/DC, Metallica, KISS and so many more. Later in life I've added 30 seconds to mars, Linkin Park.... :)
I never regretted the break-up, although it did hurt and actually marked me for quite some time. I've had difficulties in finding the right person, so now I'm focusing more on me rather than finding someone to fill the space as boyfriend. I have felt alone from time to time, I've cried myself to sleep wondering why the right guy hasn't turned up yet or why the guys I liked never liked me.
But as every woman, you find strenght in doing productive things and beeing with people that really love and care about you....that my friends is the LOVE THAT WILL LAST FOREVER.

Time flies and I'm gonna watch a movie now, so goodnight and sleep tight y'all!


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