The Date

After a long day of work, the hour for my date finally came. I think I missunderstood him first, since I was completely sure we were going to the movies...but we ended up talking on the rooftop of Åhlens for 2 hours. He's a lot of fun, kind of a crazy sense of humour and I think we clicked :) He's really cute, yeah more than cute and is one hell of a hugger ;)
I don't know if he likes me that much to fall in love with me but I do think I found a friend. I think time should tell what it has prepared for us. Either way, I had the time of my life.
For a moment I thought that maybe he had forgotten about our date but he didn' seems like guys can't plan things more forward than a few hours but the way it was...just perfect.

Well today it's friday, it's raining and it's cold...which is kind of boring but hey, everything can't be just sunshine. I'm going back to the gymn and planning on going 2-3 times a week starting today, sunday, tuesday and maybe saturday next weekend in the morning.
Can't write anymore, I think my boss is coming to check up on us...bye all!!


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