Weekend Off: Got hit by a cold :(

It was perfect to have the weekend off, I had such plans like cleaning and going to the movies to finally see "Avengers" what happens? I get hit by a cold :(
Luckily I'm starting to feel better but still, I only managed to clean my room and fix the photos with the guys from "Bloodynightcon 2" but going to the movies was a big no no.
So I've been watching movies at home, starting with both MIB movies and tonight I think I'll watch some Hawaii 5-0 season 2 :)

All my fav tv-shows: Hawaii 5-0, The Vampire Diaries and Bones are on summer break and will be starting this fall with new seasons and new chapters of current seasons. Can't wait really!!!! :)
I have tons of movies at the cinema to go and see, but somehow I never have the time.....it just runs of my hands. Today it's also 2 weeks since my trip to Barcelona and I also feel like I can't wait to be on a trip like this again :) Maybe it's going to be London in august or if I wait a little more, maybe I'll take that trip to Hawaii (a week and a half).

Let's just see ;)
Bye for now


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